Our family may have changed but we are still a family. This is a blog dedicated to the Little Skillz family - Mommy and Ella. Our new journey is just beginning and though it may be a little scary - It is also exciting! Join us for the journey!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Our Little Graduate!

Wow!! Time is flying and now Ella is 5 and just graduated from preschool! We are kindergarten-bound!! If you listen closely to the video (Ms. Linda is very soft-spoken), each child answered questions about themselves. My daughter who has talked about being an animal trainer for several years now said that she wanted to work at McDonalds so she could have all the nuggets and fries she wants for free. Oh, and her favorite part about preschool was eating hot dogs!! Wow! Was it lunch time or something! How embarrassing! I better take her back to the sea lion show at the zoo to get back on track! LOL!

Ella's surgery

Ella's ears were not getting better and she wasn't cleared to fly which poses a problem since we will be on a plane for about 15 hours!! So we decided on surgery. She had tubes put in and her adenoids taken out. I was very nervous about the surgery but Ella was very confident all the way till she walked into surgery. I didn't even get a hug because she was ready to go. Then came my trip to the recovery room and her screaming, kicking and crying scared out of her mind as she came out of the anesthesia. But over the course of the day she was great!! She recovered very well. She didn't skip a beat! As soon as I can get it from Danielle, I will post a video taken the day after surgery of her dancing like a robot and having a blast with our helpers Mima Dee and Danielle.
She is doing great and loves to play a new game of me whispering and her answering my questions. she keeps saying "I know because I can hear EVERYTHING!!!" We are so glad!! :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Our evening of the performing arts!!

When Ella completed her acting lessons, she received a free ticket for a play in May to see what she could do if she continued. She has been very excited about it soon..yes, excited since March. As it has come closer, she decided that she wanted Papa to join us. So Papa came down today and we had dinner & went to the play. When we got there she saw the teacher/owner and waved real big at her. I didn't think she saw her but I was mistaken! We decided to use the restroom before the show started and as we were going down the aisle, we ran into her. She said she was looking for her! She had a job for her. Ella was the one before the show that pulled the names for the raffle. It turned into some major time on stage. She was too cute!
We had a great time! Ella felt like a star with her big stage experience! ! Enjoy the clips!!

Mother's Day 2010

Mommy & Ella had a low-key Mommy Day. We had brunch and Ella made me a pretty card. We hung out & watched movies. I think the best gift was us sleeping in and cuddling!! Love my girl and so thankful to be able to celebrate Mother's Day!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Missing Daddy!

Matt has been in Qatar and is settling in...so far so good. There is a lot of missing each other but we will make it through. Had to post these picks of our last family outing at the park! :)
Bisa & Biso were here for Grandma's annual visit with my students speaking of her experiences in Cuba before, during and after Castro's takeover. The kids were impressed as always and just loved her. They helped with the awful drive to and from the airport with him leaving for an international flight...at 6am, 2 hours away...so we left at 2am! Then the goodbyes and drive home. Bisa made Mommy's favorites and even taught Ella how to cook plantains...Mommy & Daddy LOVE those!!! They were even sweet enough to postpone their trip home a day to stay with Ella & save me a sick day. After a trip to the dr...the verdict was ruptured ear drum. After fevers, a lot of pain & some expensive, strong ear drops - she is doing much better! We are going to the dr for a follow-up and 5 year check up with the much anticipated shots for Kindergarten!...then the dentist for Mommy! Fun day!
We are making it through the distance thanks to technology! Magic Jack for phone and Skype for seeing each other and we talk/see each other daily. It is really helping. We are slowly making progress in the house with things being sold & packing being done either for yard sale or storage. It is kind of freeing to get rid of things you don't use/wear and have accumulated over 12 (almost) years of marriage!!
Let the adventure begin!!!
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend with better weather than we are having!! :(
