Our family may have changed but we are still a family. This is a blog dedicated to the Little Skillz family - Mommy and Ella. Our new journey is just beginning and though it may be a little scary - It is also exciting! Join us for the journey!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Congrats Class of 09

Obviously can't get pics with all of my kids..but here are a few! So proud of the Class of 2009!!

Ella's 1st dance recital

Ella had her 1st dance recital this weekend and looked SO beautiful! We were SO proud of her! Mommy even started to "happy cry". She danced to "Lost in your Eyes" as part of the Flashback to the 80's. Mommy, Daddy, Mima Dee, Danielle, Bisa, Biso, Aunt Amanda and Jenn's friend, Katie were all there cheering for our ballerina. Mima and Papa Skillz couldn't make it because Mima had major surgery and Papa was her nurse. Luckily Mima Dee recorded it. Enjoy the pictures...gotta love her "purplicious" costume!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Zoo Friend Day!

Aunt Amanda made us Zoo Friends for Christmas and we are putting our membership card to good use! We were invited to the grand opening event of the Caribean Cove exhibit at the zoo! We got to touch Sting Rays!! It was VERY cool! We didn't get to spend a lot of time there since it was a school day but it was definitely worth it to have such a cool experience! They felt very weird and cool! One startled us all but Ella got over it in about a second and touched lots more. We will probably visit them each time we visit the zoo!

Cinco de Mayo

Jenn had a staff appreciation party and Ella went along. The theme was Mexican. Some of Mommy's coworkers/friends dressed up and brought Ella in on the action!!!

Tiger who???

Papa got Ella the coolest gift! Real clubs...pink, of course!! She hasn't put them down yet! She said that she is glad she has them because we live on a golf course so she can go all the time!! The leotard and too-too probably aren't appropriate golf wear!! So Papa, Daddy and Biso...let's play some golf!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Prom 2009

Prom has come and gone! Ella was supposed to stay with Mima Skillz but she felt sick and all of my babysitters were going to Prom or were out of town...so lucky for Ella...she went to Prom with Mommy! She even went with me to do the girls' makeup which lucky for Ella was at Jill's farm. Jill's mom took her to see the animals and play outside while I did the girls' makeup. She had a blast!! I didn't have my digital camera so I used a throw away camera and I am waiting for it to be put on disc so I can post them on here. One of my girls, Casey, helped me out and emailed our pics to me so I could post them. You can guess which one she printed for me and is now up in my class getting lots of laughs!! I have heard from lots of my kids that she is in their pictures as she was posing all over the place and dancing. She had a blast! What a memory for her...Prom at 4 years old! "just like Troy and Gabriella from High School Musical"...can't count how many times I heard that!! :) Enjoy! There will be more to come...I'm sure!
