Our family may have changed but we are still a family. This is a blog dedicated to the Little Skillz family - Mommy and Ella. Our new journey is just beginning and though it may be a little scary - It is also exciting! Join us for the journey!

Monday, February 22, 2010

fun times!!

We've had lots of fun! We are a silly bunch! Mommy had some fun visitors to my classroom...Clifford & Curious George! Of course Ella thought I was a rockstar!
Then...on to Valentine's Day! Ella had a party at her preschool and we made a valentine box. She wanted to do it and as you can see...she did a great job. Then Ella & Daddy had a fun time with her Valentine from him. It had gummy eyes & lips. She ate the lips and they had to have some fun with the gummy eyes before they ate them. My crazy family!!
Mommy is not the only one keeping busy with the Wii fit. Ella enjoys it and says she has to get her "exercise time" in each day...right after me. When the "trainer" on the fit says "make sure you exercise dailly"...Ella says..."see...I told you!"
Too bad the fun couldn't last as Ella is sick now & I am blogging instead of being at school. Ella was throwing up last night. She is starting to do better so hopefully she will go back to school tomorrow!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentine's Day is coming!

With Valentine's Day coming & looking for a picture to change my profile pic to the latest idea...you and your significant other along with info of how long you've been together & such. I scanned one of our wedding pictures & looked long and hard at it. We were SO young and had no idea of what was ahead of us. We had no idea of the struggles we would endure and how we would handle each challenge or how amazing things could be. We just jumped right in blindly. It's been a long 11 years (over actually)! It hasn't been all butterflies & rainbows but who's marriage really is...if they are being honest. And if it has been perfect so far, they better knock on wood because nothing is perfect. But it is all in how you deal with adversity. Does it bring you closer or push you apart. Lucky for us, we are more in love today than we were on that fancy day. We love each other because of all we've been through and of course feel more like a family with the addition of our sweet Ella! Life may not be perfect but we are happy and in love. That's a happy thought for this Valentine's Day...even if I don't get flowers or candy...although I'd like some!! LOL!
Happy Valentine's Day! May you be loved & love as much as we do.
